My parents, my wife and my 1 year old son took a trip to Bristol to do some photography in the Bluebonnet Trails. We brought a chair and we had three of us taking photographs. We had a good time, it was just really crowded. I bet there were over 75 people taking photographs of kids in Bluebonnets in a couple acre pasture. Overall it was a lot of fun just really crowded.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Orbweaver spider
Found this orbweaver after the storms in Dallas last weekend. Did a short photo shoot with it before releasing it. I have only seen this species of orbweaver a couple of times. Not sure the exact species name though. This one seems to get about quarter size. Ive never found any that were larger or smaller. They don't appear to be aggressive as Ive held them a few times and never had one act aggressive or bite me.
Baby Red Ear Sliders
The storms that hit north Dallas April 17th and 18th cause a few ponds to flood. The flood waters were going through my neighborhood and was carrying baby bullhead catfish and baby Red Ear Slider turtles. In a few hours we found 10 baby turtles floating down the ditches. We photographed them and released all but two. I kept two for my 6 year old son. These are some photographs we got.