Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yellow Jacket photographs

These are some photographs of Yellow Jackets.  I found these Yellow Jacket Wasp under a log on a cold morning in spring.  These wasp, just like most other insects, slow down and cant fly during the colder days.  I was able to get these macro photographs of Yellow Jackets without any problems because the insects were cold and couldn't fly.

I shot these macro photographs of Yellow Jackets on my Canon 5D Mark II using a Canon MP-E 65mm 1x-5x macro lens and a Canon MT-24EX flahs unit.

Yellow Jackets are predatory insects that feed on necture, other insects and meat.  They live in colonies and will fiercly defend their nest.  Generally holes in the ground, bushes and other protected areas are used for nesting.  Yellow Jackets are mostly harmless to humans except for a painful sting.  Only people allergic have anything to fear.
Yellow Jacket Wasp

Yellow Jacket

Yellow Jacket Macro Photograph

These are some macro videos I took of Yellow Jacket Wasp.

If you would like to license the use of any of these photographs or videos email me at productester999@gmail.com

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